
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Vanishing Youth

Dreams lost,
they've seen too much,
their youth vanished.

"Vanishing Youth"
This is an 9.5"x7.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Every once in a while I find myself on the receiving end of the absolute best compliment. "You inspire me." What an incredible honor it is to be told such a thing. It made me think about all those things that this wonderful art life means to me and I scribed a few...and then added some whimsical flowers on top.

This is an 7.5"x9.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Monday, February 26, 2018


RESIST...nuf said.

This is an 9.5"x7.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

I Dream of Peace

"madness is somewhere inbetween
chaos and having a dream."
- r.m. drake

I dream of peace.

This is an 7.5"x5.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Love Alice

Sometimes I feel compelled to create something for a friend that expresses how I feel.

"Love Alice"
This is an 6"x4" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Lean In

Lean in, 
use your voice,
and we will stand together,
more powerful than one.

"Lean In"
This is an 5.5"x7.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

For All of Us

For you, for me, for my students, for all of us.

I've had the privilege of working with many children over the years. While they each have a disability, what shines through are their truly phenomenal super powers. And at the end of every school day I'm quite certain that they've managed to teach me more than I've taught them.

This is an 5.5"x7.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


“Hope is not blind optimism. It's not ignoring the enormity of the task ahead or the roadblocks that stand in our path. It's not sitting on the sidelines or shirking from a fight. Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it, and to work for it, and to fight for it. Hope is the belief that destiny will not be written for us, but by us, by the men and women who are not content to settle for the world as it is, who have the courage to remake the world as it should be.” 

-Barack Obama

This is an 5.5"x7.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Simplicity of Strokes

I cannot bear to waste any paint. Whenever I have just a bit of paint left on a brush I either add to my hallway graffiti wall or paint the last bits on a not-yet-painted journal page or canvas. This piece is the result of a bit of yellow and black brush clean-up. I was going to start layering on top of it but decided I like the composition as is.

"Simplicity of Strokes"
This is an 9.5"x7.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Monday, February 19, 2018


"Where flowers bloom, so does hope."
- Lady Bird Johnson

This is an 9.5"x7.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Tell Them

If you think someone is amazing, kind, insightful, creative, gentle, inspiring, generous...go ahead and tell them. We are so often unaware of our own gifts.

"Tell Them"
This is an 7.5"x5.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

We are the Dancers

"We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams.
- Albert Einstein

This is an 7.5"x5.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Create Change

Create change not by sending thoughts and prayers above, but by making calls, writing, marching, and above all else, voting.

This is an 9.5"x7.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Listen more...and speak less.

Sometimes I create art as a reminder to myself.

"Listen more...and speak less."
This is an 7.5"x5.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Taking the path of least resistance,
giving up power,
finding my way in the flow.

This is an 9.5"x7.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Scars are Tattoos with Better Stories

"Scars are tattoos with better stories."
- unknown

Triumphs, tragedies, and some of which we have no recollection.

"Scars Tell a Story"
This is an 9.5"x7.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Being a princess isn't all it's cracked up to be.

The luxury of anonymity. I'm ever so grateful for the ability to fade into the background.

"Being a princess isn't all it's cracked up to be."
- Princess Diana

"Being a princess isn't all it's cracked up to be."
This is an 9.5"x7.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Ever Present

  Ever present...
Those before us and those to come.
Staying in the now is the best gift for all.
"Ever Present"
 This is an 7.5"x5.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Friday, February 9, 2018

She Held her Thoughts Close to her Heart

She held her thoughts close to her heart.
And there they survived for the remainder of her days.

"She Held her Thoughts Close to her Heart"
This is an 7.5"x5.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Thursday, February 8, 2018


Let your joy burst forth like flowers in the spring.

This is an 5.5"x7.5" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


 I'm with the best company when I'm alone.

 4"x4" canvas

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

an honor to be with

i dream of

 a time of peace
 soothed by friendship
 a warm welcome
 an honor to be with
"an honor to be with"
 This is an 10"x8" piece in my art journal. Prints available on request.
(Printed image will be slightly cropped for printing purposes.) 

All works are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by the artist.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Prints of many of my paintings are available in my Etsy shop
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.