Monday, February 29, 2016

Embracing the Sunshine

Here's the second in my series of sweet little potted plants. These are pure bliss to create.

This painting is part of a year-long online art class (instructor Martha Lever).

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Most of my paintings are for sale and I welcome commissions.
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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Blissful Blue

When I first started painting in 2011 I fell in love with watercolor and ink. I'd endlessly draw pictures with ink and then color them in with watercolor, pretty much creating my own coloring books. And sometimes I'd get a wild hair and do the watercolor first and then the ink. Such fun! I switched to mostly acrylic and mixed media about a year ago and have loved where it's taken me, too.

Last weekend I went down memory lane. I pulled out all of my old paintings (the ones that I hadn't given away or sold), took photos of them, and began posting them on facebook offering them for $2 or under. Spring cleaning!!! (Here's the link if you're interested in seeing them and possibly purchasing.) Seeing them reignited my love of watercolor and when the year long class I've been taking introduced the new lesson on Monday and it was a watercolor and ink project...well, AWESOME!

Here's the first of several I painted. More to come.

This painting is part of a year-long online art class (instructor Martha Lever).

Click here to view my gallery 

Most of my paintings are for sale and I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.
I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Finding my Bliss

I confess, this one was selfie inspired. I printed the photo I took, adhered it to my canvas, let it dry, then rewet it and took off all the paper...just the ink was left behind. Then I went all fun, wild, and graffiti crazy. Such a blast!

This painting is part of a year-long online art class (instructor Tamara LaPorte). 

"Finding my Bliss"

Click here to view my gallery 

Most of my paintings are for sale and I welcome commissions.

Please click the links below to share my blog.

I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Daisies 3

I love daisies! This is my third daisy painting inspired by photos sent to me by a friend. This time I left color behind and used only my black and white paint.

This painting is part of a year-long online art class (instructor Donna Downey). 

"Daisies 3"

Click here to view my gallery 

Most of my paintings are for sale and I welcome commissions.

Please click the links below to share my blog.

I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Whoooo's that, Mama? honor of Superb Owl Sunday!

This started as a painting in the class I'm currently taking but I wasn't grooving on the lesson so I went a different direction and ended up with these two cuties. I adore owls.

"Whoooo's that, Mama?"
Click here to view my gallery 

Most of my paintings are for sale and I welcome commissions.

Please click the links below to share my blog.

I'd love to hear from you...feel free to leave me a comment.