Monday, January 6, 2020

True Happiness

"True happiness is the absence of the search for happiness."
- Peter Crone

I heard this quote a couple of weeks ago and truly resonated with me and my own challenges and it gave me such peace. This is the 6th and final (for now) piece that I'm putting on my meditation wall.

5.75"x11" on wood
Prints available on request.
(Printed image may be slightly cropped for printing purposes.)

My original paintings are available in my online gallery.

Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Embrace this Moment

Embrace this moment.
I think "embrace" will be my focus this year.
Embrace life, embrace love, embrace creativity, embrace it all.

5"x5" on wood
Prints available on request.
(Printed image may be slightly cropped for printing purposes.)

My original paintings are available in my online gallery.

Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Be at Peace with What Is

Be at peace with what is.

15"x13" on wood
Prints available on request.
(Printed image may be slightly cropped for printing purposes.)

My original paintings are available in my online gallery.

Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


I've been working on a series of paintings to hang on my wall as a focus point for mindful meditation.

8"x7" on wood
Prints available on request.
(Printed image may be slightly cropped for printing purposes.
My original paintings are available in my online gallery.
Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

My Girl, Phyllis

Happy New Year from Phyllis! She's always got her party hat on!

Original not available...I'm keeping this one.

13"x10" on wood
Prints available on request.
(Printed image may be slightly cropped for printing purposes.)

My original paintings are available in my online gallery.

Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
Please click the links below to share my blog.