About a week ago something unexpected happened. Something that has never happened to us before. Something downright scary.
Yes, we actually ran out of toilet paper.
I'm the sort of gal who likes to purchase her toilet paper in bulk. Nothing says safe and secure like a thirty-six pack of double rolls from Costco, right? Luckily I feel the same way about kleenex, so at least we had tissue to use when the unheard of happened.
I B-lined it to Costco with the little guy, put a pack of toilet paper in our cart, and noticed a fella who had also just put the same pack in his cart. Only instead of just putting it in his cart and moving on, he was poking a hole in the packaging and caressing a roll.
Me: "Oh, good, I couldn't remember which kind I got last time. Is it soft?"
Toilet paper caresser: "Yes, it's soooo soft...and I'm picky."
Me: "Great! Thanks!"
OK, I stand corrected. Nothing says safe and secure like a thirty-six pack of double rolls
and a positive customer testimonial.
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