Thursday, July 23, 2020

Find Your Sparkle

I attended an Art Spark Texas meeting last night and had the opportunity to listen to activist, playwright, and filmmaker,  Terry Galloway. She was funny, passionate, and wise. One thing she said that struck me so much that I wrote it on my art table..."Run toward it...let yourself be enveloped." (I hope she doesn't mind me quoting her here.) I was working on this painting while she spoke and today I added some sparkle to the hair and couldn't help but think, "Find your toward it...let yourself be enveloped."

So, friends, I wish this for all of you.

"Find Your Sparkle"
Mixed Media
Original available for $85.
12"x9" on canvas
Prints available on request.
(Printed image may be slightly cropped for printing purposes.)

My original paintings are available in my online gallery.

Let me know if you're interested in prints of my paintings.
  I welcome commissions.
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