Friday, July 18, 2014

Fun is What you Make it

I've officially crossed the line over into nutville.  Yesterday I had to take one of those standardized test things for my teaching certificate.  I was given five hours to complete 150 questions and I was finished in three.  But for those three hours I was ridiculously happy.  While I'm not a fan of the amount of such tests being given to our 3rd through 12th grade students, I , personally, rather enjoy the things.

Perhaps it's because it's the first such test I've had to take in over ten years.  Perhaps it's because I knew I was fine whether I passed it or not.  Perhaps I'm just a whack job.

But enjoy it, I did...even on those questions where I totally thought to myself, "I know nothing about what they have in the question and absolutely none of the four possible answers ring any bells about anything."

And unlike the tests I took a decade ago, which I had to wait a very slow and agonizing two plus weeks to receive my results in the mail, I was given my results this morning via email.  And I got 90% of it correct.

Yup, I dug it...does this girl know how to have a good time or what?!?!

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