Late last night I was letting one of our dogs out to do her business.
Me: "Scout, come on back!"
And she ignored me. She does that. I'm convinced that it's selective hearing. But while waited for just a moment before deciding to close the door, a BIG cockroach scurried in. Our kitten, Tommy, who is an amazing cockroach killer batted it...and it disappeared. Tommy and I looked up. We looked down. We looked all around. And then I felt something in my hair.
Me: "Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"
I swatted it out of my hair, Tommy pounced on it, and that cockroach met its maker.
Then Scout showed up at the door ready to come in.
And then I realized that even though I'd screamed, no one had bothered to come check up on me. So I went to the kid's room.
Little guy: "Yeah, I heard you scream and wondered why. And that's so awesome about the cockroach!"
I love making someone else's day!
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