Tuesday, January 13, 2015


You know how when your kids were little you could just stare at them for hours on end...as they played, as they ate, as they sang and danced. But once they become teenagers if you attempt to stare at them, you're greeted with, "What are you looking at?!?!"

So while I'm not always a huge fan of teenage hormones, I have to say that I've found a perk that I particularly love...the "sleeping in" perk. When I go into their rooms at noon on the weekends to wake them up so they can finally start their day, I'm afforded uninterrupted staring time. I can leisurely take in the serenity of their sleeping faces, the way they sleep as though they know they're safe, the shadow of a mustache appearing, and the small twitches of their dreaming eyes. Occasionally they'll wake up and catch me, admonishing me with a "You're creepy, mom!" But most of the time I'm able to lean in and kiss their cheek to wake them up.

Pure mommy bliss.

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