Today all the public school teachers in town got back to work. That includes me. So wonderful seeing everyone and it got me back in the fun school mode. I've been taking an
online art class and one of the assignments was to paint a pillow cover, but I decided to be a rebel and paint a backpack instead. I'd had this very boring beige canvas backpack forever. While it was utilitarian and all, it was so darn boring I never actually left the house with it. That's a lie. I did take it to the gym once. So I grabbed that backpack and started the process of turning it into something magical that I would both love and use.
This is the backpack. I meant to take a picture before I started
painting, but I forgot. I put some sheets in a trash bag and then stuffed the
bag in the backpack so the paint wouldn't run from one side to the other. |
I chose a few colors of paint. The red, pink, yellow, and blue
are to make flowers. The green is for leaves. The paints
are watered down quite a bit to a milk consistency. |
I started by painting basic flower shapes all over. |
My cat, Pug, was a great support. |
I took the stuffing out and hung it on my clothesline to dry. |
I love how the colors run together and the fun drips. |
Next I'll be adding black outlines and features as well as white accents. Can't wait to put it to use! This will DEFINITELY make it out of the house.
Click here to view my gallery. Most of my paintings are for sale and I welcome commissions.
I'd love for you to share my art and blog with the links below. Thanks!
I'm running a big sale on my paintings through the end of August. Almost everything in my gallery is 60% off. I'm only keeping my most current work (paintings on page 1) at the listed prices. If there's something you'd like, please let me know by message or comment so I can manually adjust the price. Thanks!!!
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