Horny Toads were everywhere when I was little...behind rocks, in the water shut-off valve thingies, and scurrying around when I walked out on my back porch. They were spectacular and abundant. You remember, right? I haven't seen one in the wild for about 30 years, but on a school field trip with my kiddo I was able to introduce him to this wonderful critter.
I started sketching this out as we were driving to Oklahoma on Friday morning. I showed my kiddo how cool they looked and he agreed (Great kiddo, he's very patient with my ramblings!). All in my little world seemed right. On Sunday evening when I sat down to add color, I logged on to facebook and read of the wildfires in Central Texas and their impact on so many. I tried to process all the loss due to the them, having also found out that one of the homes lost in Bastrop belonged to dear friends Dave and I had just had the pleasure of going out with Friday evening.
As we drove home today we saw so much charred grass along the highway, and as we approached the Central Texas area the smoke from fires on all sides of us was visually overwhelming. I'm heartbroken for all those affected by this and hope they find peace and resolution soon.
I'm also finding myself missing the little horny toads....
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