Sunday, July 12, 2015

Grandson with Rainbrella - Rebooted - Part 2

Happy to report that I've had a crazy bug free far. But my precious chicken, Phyllis, did go a tad crazy. We had our grill out in the middle of our deck because Dave and the little guy grilled steaks last night. (Not me, of course. I had mushrooms.) Phyllis had what she thought was a great idea and jumped right in the grill. I'm sure it looked like a lovely perch and all, but the girl and I need to have a serious talk about what constitutes a good idea and what does not.

Here's the completed "Grandson with Rainbrella " (rebooted). Below are the final few stages before I finished. It was just as much fun to paint this time as it was before!

"Grandson with Rainbrella"
After the background was pretty much finished
I sketched out the boy and his "rainbrella" and began painting.

I filled in the rest of him.

I added details to his clothing, hair, and the "rainbrella".
Click here to view my gallery.  Most of my paintings are for sale and I welcome commissions.
I'd love for you to share my art and blog with the links below.  Thanks!

I'm running a big sale on my paintings through the end of August. Almost everything in my gallery is 60% off. I'm only keeping my most current work (paintings on page 1) at the listed prices. If there's something you'd like, please let me know by message or comment so I can manually adjust the price. Thanks!!!

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