Sunday, June 24, 2012

Brotherly's kind of like pulling teeth.

Our big guy is going to have his wisdom teeth removed this week.  Poor guy got his mother's small mouth.  We went shopping today so we'd have all the right mushy foods around the house.  Ice cream, check!  Jello, check!  Pudding, check!  That's the day one cold mushy foods.  The big guy is seriously almost excited to have it done.  Soup, check!  The makings for potato salad, check!  That's the day two mushy foods.  Big guy prefers the day one menu.

He's also gonna have to take horse pill-sized antibiotics the day before and for six days after the surgery.  Little dude walked in on our conversation about them.

Little guy:  "Why do you have to take them?"

Me:  "Because he's having his wisdom teeth removed and they want to make sure he doesn't get an infection."

Little guy:  Tapping big guy gently on the arm, "Sorry, man."  <giggles>

Me:  "Probably gonna happen to you someday."

Little guy:  "I know, but that's in a long while...and he'll move out before then and won't be here to laugh at me then."

Thinking big guy might already be thinking about arranging time in his schedule when he's 20 to come back and tap the little guy on his arm...and giggle a bit.

Ah....brotherly love.

Hugs and kisses for "liking" my blog on facebook!

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