Saturday, September 19, 2015

Surrounded by Flowers - Part 2

I had a "chat" with Amazon yesterday do to a minor issue with an order I'd received. Throughout the rather stilted, yet effective, conversation I was totally convinced that I was communicating with a robot. Here's part of our conversation.

Me: "Thank you! I appreciate it! Have a great evening!"

Amazon (robot?): "You are very welcome! :) Was I able to properly assist you?"

Me: "Absolutely!"

Me: "Are you a robot? :-)"

Amazon (robot?): "Haha. I am not Kali, I am a real person :)"

Me: "Well, you'd make a darn good robot. Thanks again!"

Amazon (robot?): "Haha. Thank you very much, I guess. Perfect! Have a great rest of your day! :) Please click on "End Chat" located on the upper right corner of the chat window to close the chat."

Me: "OK, bye."

I'm still not convinced that they were a real person. Robots know how to lie, right?

And I finished "Surrounded by Flowers". I'm so happy to be painting again! Here's the finished painting and below are a few of the final stages.

"Surrounded by Flowers"

I went even darker on the edges...
and I didn't really like it.

I added leaves...
and I didn't really like that either.

I went for a happy green/black medium and
that worked for me. I also added a bit of
detail to the centers of the flowers.
Click here to view my gallery.  Most of my paintings are for sale and I welcome commissions.
I'd love for you to share my art and blog with the links below.  Thanks!

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