My big guy and I talk fairly often these days about his post high school plans. Today he begrudgingly (though I think it was just a performance...he luvs him some samples!) went to Costco with me, and, on the car ride there and back, it came up again. There are a number of possibilities, but the one I find myself focusing on the most is the one where he continues to live at home while he attends a nearby college or university, working part time somewhere, hopefully saving up some cash. I wonder about his transition to adulthood and how that will affect my parenting and expectations. I've told him he'd have more freedom, of course, but he could count on me expecting him to keep his room clean. That he wouldn't have a bedtime, but I probably wouldn't go for him sleeping all day and coming and going all night long. It's weird, these thoughts, and funny to me that I can't really let myself spend any time yet considering him moving out and away in less than eighteen months. Me? Well, I was seriously outa my parents' house one week after I graduated from high school. I didn't look back and my parents didn't reserve any space there for me once I left. I think I need a map for this ride I'm on.
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