Thursday, January 19, 2012

Oh, the humility...

I'm sure you know we teachers are scavengers and thieves.  I've been known to dumpster dive (yes, it's true), "rescue" things from trash cans, take tons of stuff from free shelves, load my car up with bulky pick-up items, ask my neighbors to save all their toilet paper rolls, and on and on.

Lucky for me I have TONS of parents of both current and former students who think of me when they are clearing out their kids' toys and books, which is keeping me out of the dumpster business.  Today one of my awesome former parents dropped off a HUGE floor piano (think the movie "Big").  Good news is it is AWESOME!  I jumped right on it and made a really bad attempt at playing "Chopsticks", jump, jump, jumping.  Bad news is I really needed to pee and, well, I've had two kids, and, well, you know how it goes....

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