Thursday, August 23, 2012

Smooth Talker

My family broke the cardinal rule today.  You know, the one where you're not supposed to open a delivered package unless it has your own name on it.  Eesh!  OK, I have to take some responsibility.  I did get them a little excited about it and all.  You see, I ordered one of those blenders with super powers.  The ones that can make any solid food product into a silky, smooth drinkable mush. 

Anyway, it was set to arrive today.  I was super excited about it, but knew I had to hold on as Dave and I had someplace to go immediately after work.  He picked me up (I walked to work today) and off we went.

Dave:  "Your package came today."

Me:  "It did?  Yay!  You didn't open it, did you?"

Dave:  "Of course we did."

Me:  "Well, you didn't use it already, did you?"

Dave:  "Of course we did."

[me hyperventilating just a bit]

Me:  "Well, did you know it can...?"

Dave:  "Yeah, we already tried...."

Yup, that went on for a while.

So, when we finally got home I ran in and checked it out.  I tossed in fruit, I tossed in veggies, I tossed in a few other things, too.  The little guy and I fought over who got to push the button to make it go.  Yes, I did win.  And, yes, I did make the most amazing ghastly-looking, delicious bev ever!

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