Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sock it to Me

Last night Dave and my king size bed was the site of a gathering.  Big guy, little guy, and our cat, Pug, and I.  As it was bed time I was all happy and jammied up...all the way down to my fuzzy white-ish socks.

Well, as I was a bit bored AND very easily entertained, I pulled one of my socks off and carefully placed it on Pug's tale.  Mind you, it wasn't on top of his tail, his tail was all the way down inside of it.  We sat...we waited...we made predictions.

Big guy:  "I think he's gonna just slide right out of it."

Little guy:  "Yeah, slide right out."

Me:  "No way, when that sock comes off it's gonna fly through the air."  After all, my cat has shown his flamboyant Liberace style on occasion.  Why not now?

We sat...we waited...we sighed...we stopped each other when we were tempted to "poke the Pug" to get him to do something.  T...E...N minutes went by and not even a tiny tail twitch from the furry fella.

We grew restless, started talking amongst ourselves, and then suddenly, Pug slithered away.  That darn sock didn't move, not even one millimeter!

Dang, I was really looking forward to a flying sock show.  Well, that and being "right" of course.

About this painting:  this is another in my "blob" series.  Loving doing these!!

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