Monday, November 16, 2015

A Song Written Just for Her - Part 5

My little guy always does his best to make me feel good about myself. Tonight at the gym after my Zumba class....

Little guy: "You still look like an idiot."

Me: "Me or everyone?"

Little guy: "Everyone, but especially you."

Me: "Gosh, thanks."

Little guy: "But it's OK, you're just a beginner." I feel better. Lovable little toot!

I kept plugging away at this painting. Turns out that when you work full time, come home and work on a commissioned piece, go to the gym for that Zumba class, and then come home to paint just a bit more, pretty much the whole evening has blissfully gone by. Wouldn't have it any other way.

I worked more on her dress. I'm really liking
the simplicity of the painting of her skirt
with the under layers showing through.

I painted what will become her hat and
painted his legs and part of the guitar.
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