Saturday, March 24, 2012

Stayin' Alive

This morning the little guy and I helped set up for the Save Texas Schools rally at the State Capitol.  I admit it, I tricked him into it...I wanted to expose him (again) to being a part of activism, particularly with something that he directly benefits from.  Ya, I'm a mom with an agenda.  After happily (yes, he was happy!) schlepping many chairs, tables, and bottles of water we headed to the car so we could get to a birthday party (that was my bribe carrot..first help, then party).  We passed a group of people as we exited the grounds.

Little guy:  "Mom, that big guy was really looking at you."

Me:  "Like I'm cute or like he wanted to kill me?"

Little guy:  "Well, I can't see why anyone would want to kill you."

Yup, I'm gonna take that as a total compliment, yes indeedy I am.

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