Saturday, May 19, 2012

Fashion Sense

My big guy and I were in the car today.  We were talking about some shoes I had wanted to buy at one point.  He had told me "No way, they're ugly." And I didn't buy them.  Soon after, I saw someone wearing those very shoes and I hated them.  He pointed out how totally right he had been and then piped up with this.

Big guy:  "I have the most fashion sense in the family."

Me:  "You?  What?"

Now, I don't mean to insult the guy or anything, but he does wear his Big Guy uniform every single day...plain T-shirt, plaid button down shirt on top of it, and cargo shorts.  Every single day.  Me?  I was wearing black just-below-the-knee-length leggings under a short black shirt dress and black flip flops.  Très chic, eh?  Well, gosh, at least in comparison, I thought.  Black is the new, uh, black or something like that.

Big guy:  "Look at you, mom, you're only wearing one color."

Sometimes we moms are smart enough to not take the bait and duke it out with our kids.

Me:  "You're right.  I'm lucky to have you around."  And, really, I so am!

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