Monday, May 21, 2012

When in Doubt, go on Ahead and Freak Out

That's our dog, Hazel's, opinion anyway.  Seriously folks, she's a little on the wacky side.  Took her for a walk tonight.  Totally awesome, but decidedly freaky.  She's been on lots of walks, of course, but this time I walked her down by the back entrance to Barton Springs. 

Our problems started with the exit gate, squealing, I'm sure at frequencies I both could and could not hear.  But Hazel sure could.  That girl started flipping out.

"A flip, flop, a flippety flop, a flip flip flippety flop!"

Then, the tell-tale crunch, crunch, crunch of someone approaching from behind...someone HUGE...someone VERY WEIRD!  Yes!  It was dude-carrying-a-kayak man!  Aaaaaaaaah!

"A flip, flop, a flippety flop, a flip flip flippety flop!"

A minute later we passed what I shall call the anti-Hazel dog.  This dog was sitting right by the chain link fence surrounding Barton Springs Pool, diligently watching its owners on the other side, not moving an inch.  I told Hazel that was something to shoot for.  She ignored me of course as that dog didn't register on her weird-o-meter.

We rounded the parking lot and started to head toward the hill to home.  Did you know hills are freaky when you're going up them, but just fine when going down?  Yeah, I didn't either.

"A flip, flop, a flippety flop, a flip flip flippety flop!"

As the hill began to level out, so did her personality.  We made it in the house, got some water, and that girl went kersplat on the floor.  Freaking out is seriously exhausting.  Whew!

Can't wait to do it again tomorrow.

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